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Tog på Rørosbanen

The Røros line

From Trondheim to Hamar via historical Røros

With the national travel planner Entur
SJ / Strekninger / The Røros line

The Røros railway (Rørosbanen) connects the Easter region of Østerdalen and Røros with Trondheim in the north, and Elverum and Hamar in the south. The train is therefore an important part of the public transport in these regions.

Wilderness and culture history along the Røros line

Norway’s first railway connecting two country regions, dates back to 1877 and brings the cities of Trondheim and Hamar together. From your seat you will be able to spot architectures jewels, such as old train stations, amidst the dense forrests. The tracks on the Røros railway will take along the river Glomma, Norway’s longest and most voluminous river, as well as near the wilderness in the Femundsmarka National Park. This is one of Norway’s most untouched nature, where endangered species have survived for generations.

The journey between Trondheim and Hamar is 431 km long and takes about 6 hours. From the train’s window you will enjoy some of Norway’s greenest areas.

The center point: Røros

In between the regions of Trøndelag and Østerdalen, lays the famous mountain town of Røros. If you have never heard of it, you may not be alone, but we will let you in one of Norway’s best hidden treasures! Røros dates all the way back to 1644 when important minerals were found at a time when only 16 people inhabited the area. That very same year Røros Kobberverk, a minning company, was found and minning for copper began. The king gave the company special privileges, stating that all land, woods and minerals lying within a circumference of 45,2 km was property of the company.

Since 2010 the Mining Town of Røros and the Circumference is listed in the UNESCO’s world heritage for having outstanding universal value.

There are organized walking tours where a guide will explain more about the history and traditions surrounding the beautiful mining town of Røros.

The region of Østerdal: a winter paradise

Norway’s largest alpine center: Trysil

Take the train to Rena – from there take the shuttle bus that will take you to the ski resort in Trysil, where you will find slopes suitable for everyone – regardless of your ski expertise!

However if winters are too cold for your taste, enjoy the views from your train seat instead. The views rarely disappoint!

Cross-country on the Hedmarksvidda

Take the train to Løten and practice your cross-country abilities between Jønsrud og Budor. 

Images: Thomas Rasmus Skaug og Foap – Visit Norway, Fredrik Garshol – Løten Kommune

Departures with SJ Nord

During week days there are six departures from Røros to Hamar, and three daily departures from Røros to Trondheim. NB: after the extreme weather in August 2023, the authorities have decieded to reduce the amount of daily departures.

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