Operational disruptions in train traffic on the Dovre Line and the Nordland Line.
Contact Entur for more information.

Season tickets

SJ / Ticket categories / Season tickets

Customize your season ticket

You can choose the duration of your season ticket to either 7, 30 or 365 days. If you are a full-time student, an apprentice or a school student under the age of 30, you can buy a 30-day ticket at a discounted rate. The price will adapt to the route of your choosing.

Your season tickets can be purchased through Entur. Once you have purchased the ticket, you will be able to see it in the app.

SJ Norge does not have special tickets between Oslo S and Lillehammer. You can however purchase one on Vy, as long as their are available seats on the train. The ticket must be activated before going aboard.

If you travel in the Innlandet region, between Hamar, Elverum and Rena, you might either purchase a combination ticket or a 30-day ticket on the Innlandet travel card. This applies for the categories ‘adult’ and ‘young adult’ for a specific route. With a combination ticket you will be able to travel unlimited within Innlandtrafikk’s buses and SJ Norge’s trains between Hamar, Elverum and Rena.

If you travel within AtB’s zone A in Trøndelag (between Lundamo, Hovin, Skatval and Hegra) you can use a season ticket from AtB. This ticket will allow you to travel by train, bus and tram within the area. Tickets can be purchased through AtB.

Read more about traveling in the zone A here.

We are working with Entur to enable seat reservations as an extra possibility when purchasing multi-journey tickets.

You can get a refund on a SJ Norge’s multi-journey ticket by contacting our Customer Service, if you are unable to use your ticket furhter or at all. The amount of the refund will depend on the time left on the ticket from the day you reach out to us. A charge of NOK 100,- is implemented on any refunds issued.

Through the national plannerEntur